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Easy Holistic Cures

Having lost several family members to cancer, particularly due to chemotherapy and radiation, I made a choice to learn about alternative healing methods years ago. This marked the beginning of my quest for self-healing, focusing on my mental, physical, and spiritual health starting with hypnosis in 1999. Over time, I have been fortunate to discover and share ancient healing techniques, therapies, and solutions for personal challenges to help those I work with.

Here are some of the simplest ways, I feel, to start implement holistic healing.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is actually an ancient Ayurvedic Medical Practice dating back 5,000 years ago which has now become a bit of a trend. Oil pulling is the process of putting a teaspoon-tablespoon of edible oil in your mouth and swishing it around, pulling through your mouth, teeth, gums, and then spitting it out. These days its mainly used for oral hygiene, relieve bad breathe, even heal cavities and gum disease.

However back in the day and amid main day spiritual healing remedies it is used for much more than that. As Oil pulling helps heal oral issues it is also a detoxifier, for your physical body as well as your spiritual one. Oil pulling may correct mis alignments in a persons energetic body allowing prevention of diseases.

You can start easily with a teaspoon of something like coconut oil, begin with a few minutes, and each day work your way up to 15-20 min. This is a process and it's not as easy as it sounds. Keeping the oil in your mouth, breathing through your nose, not swallowing, and continue to swish definitely takes some practice. Which is why you should start slow and work your way up to a tablespoon for 20 min. You can do this daily. I like to do it while Im in the shower so I don't have to time

myself since I take long showers. You can also do it while meditating for added extra benefits.

Oils you can start with

Coconut oil is known for its antimicrobial properties due to its lauric acid content which aids in preventing tooth decay. Many believe that coconut oil is the most suitable oil for oil pulling due to its mild taste.

Sesame Oil contains lignans, an antioxidant, that minimizes free radical harm to oral tissues. Sesame oil is said to be equally effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash in combating bad breath.

Sunflower oil is neutral in flavour and helps reduce plaque buildup.

Olive Oil is both antibacterial and antimicrobial making it a natural virus and bacteria killer

Adding essential oils such as peppermint, tea tree, or lemon, can provide even greater benefits.


Whether you cold press, squeeze, or blend your juice (read more about that in my juicing blog post here

adding juice to your daily diet has great benefits to prevent disease and keep your body functioning optimally. PLEASE don't purchase from the store unless in the organic isle and is cold pressed. All that other stuff is loaded with sugar and high fructose syrup which will cause disease instead of preventing it. Here are some juices you can start with to help specific issues.

Asparagus- Help with kidney disfunction, diabetes and anemia

Beets- High in iron, Great for your blood, cleanse liver, help with menopause and menstruation

Carrot- Helps in normalizing your entire system, rich in Vitamins B, C, D, E, G and K. Help clear ulcers even cancer. Rich in sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium

Celery- Great for digestion, cleansing, rich in magnesium & iron, great for your blood

Cucumber- Best natural diuretic, promotes hair growth, manages blood pressure,

Dandelion- normalizes alkalinity, help strengthen bones

Garlic- Exudation of poisons from the body, eliminate intestinal parasites,

Kale/ Cabbage- Cure Ulcers, clean mucus membranes and stomach lining, clear constipation

Lettuce- Rich in Iron & Magnesium

Parsnip- High in Potassium, Phosphorus, Silicon, Chlorine great for lungs, help with flu,                pneumonia even emphysema

Tomato- Regulate Metabolism, rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium

Yes, Oil Pulling and Juicing are great for preventive measures, but what happens when bacteria, disease or virus sneak up on you. Here are some remedies that can help immediately

Neti Pot

This reliable method is excellent and provides immediate results, but, similar to oil pulling, it may require some practice. A neti pot is a tool that utilizes the channels of your sinus cavity to administer healing solutions. Nearly all neti pots include a sachet of salt to mix with water for use. Nevertheless, I personally discard that packet without using it, here's why.

This is my successful method for using the neti pot: Heat up distilled or filtered water and dissolve some Celtic salt or sea salt in it, as these types of salt are more effective than the one provided. Depending on the severity of my symptoms, I may also include eucalyptus oil or apple cider vinegar. However, these extra ingredients may be overwhelming for beginners, so gradually introduce them if you decide to use them. It's important to introduce healing liquid into your sinuses to fight bacteria, and you'll notice your sinuses clearing almost instantly.

Gargle with Hydrogen Peroxide or Apple Cider Vinegar

Here is another quick remedy that can provide relief for allergies, sore or strep throat, or nasal drip.

Simply mix apple cider vinegar (preferably organic, as Braggs is no longer organic) and/or hydrogen peroxide in a small glass of warm distilled or filtered water. Gargle with this solution for as long as you can. You should experience immediate relief. Repeat this process daily or twice a day until your symptoms improve.

Ear Drip

This method is highly effective for relieving congestion, sinus pressure, and ear discomfort.

To begin, lie down on a pillow with your ear positioned parallel to the ceiling. Administer a few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide into the upward-facing ear. Remain in this position and allow the solution to work its magic. You may experience hissing sounds, tingling sensations, or even itching; resist the urge to move or scratch. Let the Hydrogen Peroxide do its job of extracting and addressing any infections or blockages. Rotate to the other ear and repeat the process. Perform this routine twice on each side, ideally on a daily basis or twice daily, until all pressure is alleviated.

In Addition~

In addition to these established treatments, it may come as a surprise to know that hypnosis and meditation can also effectively promote healing in your body. Your body responds to the commands of your mind, whether you are aware of it or not. Phrases such as "I always fall ill in December" or "sinus problems run in my family, it's inevitable" are beliefs that you have chosen for yourself, and you have the power to choose a different belief. Affirmations like "I am in good health", "my immune system is strong", and "my body can heal itself effortlessly" can be beneficial. If you want extra benefits, listen to my healing meditation that harnesses your subconcsious mind, higher self, and the therapeutic energy of the earth.


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