Bufo Ceremony
Sat, Sep 24
|Port Jefferson
SPECIAL Water Healing Addition Come elevate, heal, break your heart open for love to flow in and out. Join your tribe and sit with us in sacred ceremony.

Time & Location
Sep 24, 2022, 10:00 AM
Port Jefferson, Port Jefferson, NY 11777, USA
About the event
Join Gentle Hawk for a Water Bufo Ceremony
You will be guided into beautiful healing space
Relaxing with a breathing meditation accompied by a beautiful, rejuvinating & theraputic sound bath
Chakra Aligning, Grounding and Enlightening your energy fields
as you are Guided safely to sit with Frog Medicine
Bufo Cermony begins as we align and connect directly with source, our higher selves and our greatest and best timeline. Being one with the universe many see truths to help them along their journey as well as discoveries and guidance.
You will be lifted and shown to all you need to experience at this time.
We finish with healthy nourishment, discussions and music.
Price is $222.00 and payment options can be made available if needed, please reach out to discuss.
Bufo is a substance 5-MeO-DMT, that has been shown to produce sustained enhancement of satisfaction with life, and easing of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The vaporized dose which is smoked and inhaled, is derived from dried venom secreted by the Bufo alvarius toad and last anywhere from 7-90 minutes depending on the dose and tolerance for each individual.
After just a single-use, an overall sustained enhancement of satisfaction with life is experienced.
As we sit and expand our consciousness through these Sacred Medicines, it is common to feel as though you are revealing deep states of “source consciousness” within the Self.
An effective session can result in clearing of suppressed energies and generate a variety of feelings, such as: letting go, healing, remembering, unification, trust, saftey, love, and joy.
The best practice is to trust yourself and the process, to surrender to the medicine, and to let nature take its course as it reveals who and what you really are.
In preparation for the experience, we encourage you to take a few simple steps that will help purify your energy field and help ensure an optimal journey:
• We will perfome breathing techniques before ceremony, but it can be very helpful to practice some form of breathing exercises on your own.
Deep, natural, rhythmic breathing can greatly enhance your expereince. Various breathing exercises and techniques can be utilized: square breathing, breath of fire, deep belly breathing, yogic pranayama breathwork, etc. can all help open the lungs and empower you to be more conscious of your breath. Be aware of and release all which no longer serves you with each breath.
• Get a full nights sleep and create a peaceful atmosphere before your bedtime; playing some relaxing music and meditating for at least 20 minutes before you fall asleep can be very beneficial.
• Avoid eating for 2-3 hours before your session; the cleaner your body and energy are, the more aligned and able it will be to fully experience the energy that is opened up by the medicine.
• It is recommended that you set a personal intention for yourself before the session; intentions should be clear within your mind or you may even wish to write it down in a concise manner. Intentionality can provide focus during an experience with lower (or “handshake”) doses of the medicine, and can entrain the unconscious during experiences with higher (“peak” or “threshold”) doses of the medicine. Hold the intention lightly and be prepared to surrender that particular intention if necessary in order to be present and open to what actually shows up for you during your journey.
The Bufo experience is one of incredible intimacy, great depth and beauty. Enter the session with no judgment of self or others, only with the desire to show compassion and love for all beings. It can be powerful and challenging for some, but know that you will be in an environment of safety, comfort, and well-being where all communicants can feel held and supported within this place of great sensitivity and vulnerability. This is an environment conducive to the free and unrestricted expression of the deep and abiding Love that unfolds during a journey of higher consciousness.
Very important you aren't on or have taken antidepressants or SSRI inhibitors within the last 2 weeks. No stimulants within 72hours minimum. No alcohol for 24 hours min.
No food for at least 2 hours before ceremony.
Being Well hydrated is encouraged.
Please bring anything you will need to be comfortable:
Fruit or snack donation for after the Bufo Ceremony, it’s encouraged to bring something to share with the group
Please bring your own water and container
Yoga mat & tapestry
Comfortable clothing. White or light comfortable clothes are recommended.
Bring your intention and a journal if you please.
Thank you and looking forward to seeing you and sharing with you very soon!!!
Healing Ceremony
$222.00Sale ended